Meet our College and Career Facilitator
Soraya Soto
College and Career Facilitator
College, Career, and Military Readiness Information
The SAT and ACT are entrance exams required by colleges and universities for admission. It is recommended to take the college entrance exams during the late spring of your junior year so there is time during the fall of your senior year to retake if necessary.
All colleges and universities accept either exam. The majority of schools require a minimum score on the ACT or SAT to be admitted. To find out the minimum score for the school you are interested in, check with the school’s website or admissions office.
Students need to register online for ACT at ACTStudent and/or SAT at CollegeBoard. The websites provide information on testing dates, test center locations and costs. Descriptions of the test questions and timing of the exams are also found on these websites.
It is highly recommended for students to prepare for ACT and/or SAT before they take the exams. Students can take practice tests and attend prep courses to become familiar with the format, types of questions, timing, and directions. Practice tests are available online and LCISD does offer prep courses. See Practice for ACT & SAT in the right column for links.
Practice for ACT & SAT
Classlink>Library Resources>Ebsco Learning Express (See Mrs. Rose if you have questions)
When making decisions about your future, you want to have an idea of what your interests are and what careers you would like to pursue. When you are aware of what you want to accomplish in the future, it helps you make a decision about what type of post-secondary education and training you need.
Students can use the college and career search provided by LCISD for high school students: NAVIANCE. Every THS student has access to Naviance to search about interests, career choices, and colleges. For first time log in access see the College/Career Facilitator in the College/Career Center.
Students classified in the 11th and 12th grade are eligible for up to (2) days in a school year related to a college or university visit. Students must secure prior campus principal approval per the College Visit Request Form and upon verification of the College Visit Pre-Approval Form verification by the visiting college or university, the accrued absences will not count toward the exemption requirement. See Ms. Kelly in the Attendance Office for a college visit form.
Students MUST be passing all classes in order to use a College Visit Day.
Unused days do NOT roll over from Junior to Senior year.
Any College Visits over the approved (2) days per year will be counted as an absence that will count against exemptions.
Helpful Links
Scholarship and Financial Aid Information
FAFSA and TASFA applications are OPEN!!! Priority deadline for FAFSA is November 15, so make sure you get your application finishes!
Click here for FAFSA Click here for TASFA in English Presiona aqui para TASFA en Espanol
Bring proof that you completed one of the applications to the College and Career Room to receive a sweet treat! Remember: No treat 'til you complete!
The month of November is all about "Tying Up Loose Ends". Use November to finish all outstanding applications. That includes college, financial aid, and scholarship applications. The College and Career Room staff will have some amazing prizes available to students who complete applications.
Students can apply for scholarships to help pay for the cost of college. There are a variety of ways to access scholarships. Students can find these scholarship opportunites through...
99% of scholarships are usually directed towards seniors graduating and starting college the next fall semester. There are a handful of scholarships and contests available to juniors, sophomores, and freshmen. This information received at Terry High School is published on Naviance. See the right column to link to Naviance Family Connection.
Financial aid consists of grants, loans, employment opportunities, and scholarships to help students finance a college education. Financial aid resources are intended to supplement, not replace, the financial resources of the family.
In order to apply for financial aid, students and parents will need to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The earliest students can submit the FAFSA form is after October 1st of their senior year. Priority deadline is March 1st.
All schools you list on the FAFSA form will receive your financial information. The Financial aid office will use the Expected Family Contribution (EFC) to determine how much federal student aid you can get. They will then notify you of your financial aid package for that specific school.
The schools you are applying to may also have campus-based aid programs, so check with them about applications and deadlines. Remember, if you do not meet deadlines you will miss out on aid for your education.
Each school year, Terry High School hosts "Fill Out the FAFSA" nights to help seniors and their parents complete their financial aid applications. This is free help from local financial aid representatives. Check the THS news on the home page for dates and times.
Need help with scholarships and financial aid? Then visit the College/Career Center to get help from the College/Career Facilitator.
Helpful LInks
Scholarship Links
Scholarship Scams
FAFSA and TASFA applications are OPEN!!! Priority deadline for FAFSA is November 15, so make sure you get your application finishes!
Click here for FAFSA Click here for TASFA in English Presiona aqui para TASFA en Espanol
Bring proof that you completed one of the applications to the College and Career Room to receive a sweet treat! Remember: No treat 'til you complete!
The month of November is all about "Tying Up Loose Ends". Use November to finish all outstanding applications. That includes college, financial aid, and scholarship applications. The College and Career Room staff will have some amazing prizes available to students who complete applications.
Students can apply for scholarships to help pay for the cost of college. There are a variety of ways to access scholarships. Students can find these scholarship opportunites through...
99% of scholarships are usually directed towards seniors graduating and starting college the next fall semester. There are a handful of scholarships and contests available to juniors, sophomores, and freshmen. This information received at Terry High School is published on Naviance. See the right column to link to Naviance Family Connection.
Financial aid consists of grants, loans, employment opportunities, and scholarships to help students finance a college education. Financial aid resources are intended to supplement, not replace, the financial resources of the family.
In order to apply for financial aid, students and parents will need to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The earliest students can submit the FAFSA form is after October 1st of their senior year. Priority deadline is March 1st.
All schools you list on the FAFSA form will receive your financial information. The Financial aid office will use the Expected Family Contribution (EFC) to determine how much federal student aid you can get. They will then notify you of your financial aid package for that specific school.
The schools you are applying to may also have campus-based aid programs, so check with them about applications and deadlines. Remember, if you do not meet deadlines you will miss out on aid for your education.
Each school year, Terry High School hosts "Fill Out the FAFSA" nights to help seniors and their parents complete their financial aid applications. This is free help from local financial aid representatives. Check the THS news on the home page for dates and times.
Need help with scholarships and financial aid? Then visit the College/Career Center to get help from the College/Career Facilitator.
Helpful LInks
Scholarship Links
Scholarship Scams
Succeeding in High School
Students can get the most out of high school and be successful by following these tips. Links to resources and websites are in red.
Step 1: Know What Classes You Need to Graduate
Students can use the graduation requirements links below to access their plans to graduate. Students should see their counselor to ask questions and to discuss plans.
For students entering grade 9 in 2014-15 and thereafter:
Foundation + Endorsement Graduation Plans
Step 2: Know How to Get Good Grades
Usually students want to do better in school but do not know where to begin. First, students need to be in school every day. Regular attendance is essential to getting good grades.
Next, click on these topics and tips for setting goals, study techniques, time management, test preparation, reducing test anxiety, and organization skills for help. The information includes approaches and suggestions for students to improve in school.
Students can also get help on their assignments by attending tutorials with their teachers.
To look for help on other websites that contain study skills information, please click on the links in right hand column.
Step 3: Get Involved
Students who are involved in activities do better academically, and they also enjoy high school more. Activities provides students with the opportunity to...
Click to view Terry High Clubs, Organizations, and Sports page to get involved.
Step 4: Plan and Prepare for a Career
When making decisions about your future, you want to have idea of what your interests are and what careers you would like to pursue. When you are aware of what you want to accomplish in the future, it helps to give you a purpose for the classes you are taking in high school.
Students can use the college and career search provided by LCISD for high school students: NAVIANCE. Every THS student has access to Naviance to search about interests, career choices, and colleges. For first time log in access see the College/Career Facilitator in College/Career Center.
Other website links are available for your searches listed in the right hand column.
Step 5: Practice for College and Your Future
Everything you are doing now in high school prepares you for college and your future. The level of classes you take, what electives you choose, being involved in activities, and practice for college testing are all factors in what colleges and jobs will consider.
Service Cord Information
Service Cord Guidelines (Effective August 23, 2023 )
Log into SchoolLinks, click on Careers, click on Opportunities
Check your LCISD email for emails with the subject line “Volunteer Opportunity” from Mrs. Soto
Check with non-profit community organizations for volunteer opportunities
Succeeding in High School Helpful Links
Naviance website
Occupational Outlook Handbook